Information on the managing organisations of the Public Advocacy network and how to fund projects:

About the network:


The Public Advocacy network includes non-governmental organisations with consultative status with UN ECOSOC, other organisations, lawyers, journalists, social activists who support the protection of human rights, especially of religious Christian communities.

The network operates on the basis of a co-operation agreement between the participants - legal entities, as well as on the principles of free membership for individual participants.

The managing representative organisations of the network are:


VSI "Zmogaus tmeisiciu apsauga" (NGO "For Human Rights") - for projects for the European Union, Ukraine, the Balkans and the Middle East.

Public organisation "Public Advocacy" - for projects from other countries. 

Areas of human rights activities:


The project organisations carry out systematic activities in four main areas:


- Collecting facts of violations of the rights to freedom of religion and other legal violations committed against communities of believers and in connection with religious views;

- Providing professional legal support in the most significant high-profile cases of violations of the rights of believers;

- disclosure of cases of violations of the rights of believers at the international level, in particular in the system of the UN Human Rights Council, OSCE, committees and commissions of the Council of Europe, during events in the European Parliament and other international organisations in order to receive a response from them both in the form of individual decisions on specific cases and in the form of recognition of the existence of the problem in a particular region:

- lobbying and advocacy for the interests of religious communities at the international level through legal, diplomatic and information work in accordance with the organisations' consultative status with UN ECOSOC. 


The project organisations have accreditations at the UN headquarters in Geneva, Vienna and New York, maintain membership in the Brussels and Geneva Press Clubs, representatives of the organisations are included in the EU Transparency register of lobbyists with the right of access to the European Parliament buildings in Strasbourg and Brussels.


The project organisations carry out their activities both directly and with the involvement of specialised companies such as law firms, outsourcing law firms, information agencies, PR and lobbying firms, research institutes and expert institutions of forensic and non-forensic expertise.